The following detailed expectations and standards were established as a guideline to ensure fair and equal rental decisions made throughout the application process. It is our goal to approve responsible, qualified Applicants for occupancy of properties managed by Rodman Realty. 

After reviewing all "Application & Rental Criteria", you can CLICK HERE to be directed to our available rentals and select "Apply Now" for the property of interest to initiate the application.

Please carefully review and consider each of the following categories.

Application Process Explained

Step 1: APPLY
All individuals 18 years and older who intend to occupy the property must each submit separate completed Tenant Applications. Additionally, if applicants do not meet the rental criteria on their own, cosigners must also complete their own individual application. 

Pre-qualified applicants will be contacted within 2 business days following reviewal of the application. This status means that your approval is conditional on landlord rental references as well as becoming first in line for an available unit. Pre-qualified applications remain active for 3 months and may be considered for other properties that we have available for rent.
Denied applicants will receive immediate notification once the application has been processed. Applicants may be denied for, but not limited to, the following: Record of eviction, Money owed to current/prior landlord or utility company, Insufficient/unverifiable income, falsified/omitted/misleading information given on application, unsatisfactory credit, history of violation of Contract or non-payment of Rent.

After conditional approval, additional steps are taken in attempts to finalize & obtain "approved" status of the application. One of 3 of the following outcomes will result:

1. Denied based on rental history - If an application is pre-qualified, but does not pass the rental history screening, the application will be denied based on rental history.
2. Conditionally Approved - Conditional approval happens when an applicant who is pre-qualified becomes first in line for a property but does not meet all criteria may be considered an acceptable risk due to extenuating circumstances. In these situations, and on a case-by-case basis, Rodman Realty may at their sole discretion offer a conditional approval requiring one or more of the following added conditions: an increased Security, Cleaning, & Damage Deposit, obtaining an approvable qualifying Co-Signer, adjusting the monthly Rent required, and/or or requiring payment up front of the Last Month’s Rent.
3. Approved - Approval happens after the applicant is first in line for a property, been shown the inside of the unit, and rental references are contacted and approved. At this time the applicant can pay their holding deposit to hold the unit until the unit becomes ready for occupancy.

Occupancy Guidelines

Occupancy is based on the number and size of bedrooms in a unit. To maintain safe and habitable housing, the number of people allowed to occupy a property is limited to a maximum of two people per bedroom plus one additional person. These restrictions were established in compliance with fair housing laws and local building and fire safety codes. PLEASE NOTE: Rodman Realty, Inc. limits occupancy to a 2-adult maximum in most rental properties.

Determination & Adverse Actions

Rodman Realty, Inc. utilizes credit reports and background investigations for the screening of applications which are processed by and obtained from: Experian, 475 Anton Blvd. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. We will obtain credit reports, civil/criminal court records, employment history, and rental references as needed to verify information included in the Tenant Application. If an adverse action is taken on a Tenant Application due to information we received from the screening reports and background investigation. Rodman Realty, Inc. is unable to provide a copy of the screening report based on the Fair Credit Reporting Act. A Notice of Adverse Action will be sent to the Applicant describing in detail how to obtain a copy of the screening report. You have a right to receive a free copy of your credit report each year from each credit bureau (Equifax, Experian, Trans Union) & can obtain one by logging on to 

If an applicant receives conditional approval or denial, they may request reconsideration in writing by detailing extenuating circumstances that no longer exist which may have caused the conditional approval or denial of the application.


Applicants that do not meet one or more rental criteria or who receive a Conditional Approval may qualify for tenancy with approval of a qualified Co-Signer. 

Co-Signers are subject to screening & must complete the following:
○ A separate Co-Signer Application.
○ $30.00 Cosigner Application Screening Fee.

A qualified Co-Signer will have:
○ Exceptional credit history
○ Verifiable gross monthly income of at least 4 times the asking monthly Rent (after deducting their personal housing costs from their gross income).
○ Must be a homeowner (preferably within Cowlitz County, Washington).

Approved Co-Signers will remain on the Contract for the duration of tenancy.

Applicant’s ability to secure a qualified Co-Signer does not ensure approval of the application. The Co-Signer will be required to sign the Lease/Rental Agreement and Addenda thereto. 

PLEASE NOTE: Some property owners do not accept cosigners but require applicants to meet all criteria. 

Processing Fee

After a qualified Applicant has viewed an available property and chooses to proceed with the application process, each applicant must provide a non-refundable $35.00 processing fee to have the application/s completely screened & verified.  

Holding Deposit/Security, Cleaning & Damage Deposit (SCDD)

Upon approval, the Holding Deposit is due immediately to hold the unit until it is available for occupancy. 

The Holding Deposit amount is advertised on the property listing. 

At the execution of the Rental Agreement & Addenda, the Holding Deposit will be transferred to the Security, Cleaning and Damage Deposit (SCDD). 

Applicants who fall short of meeting all criteria are considered a higher risk but may be conditionally approved with an increased SCDD of up to twice the amount of the first month’s Rent. 

Applicants with an approved pet will require an additional SCDD of up to $1000 per pet. 

All SCDD’s beyond the holding deposit amount are due and payable at the time of signing the Contract & prior to possession. 

Move-In Costs

The following costs are to be paid by the Applicant to Rodman Realty, Inc. after approval of the Tenant Application and prior to the issuance of keys for a rented property:

○ A Non-Refundable $35.00 Processing Fee for each adult applicant.

○ A Non-Refundable $35.00 Processing Fee for each Co-Signer, if applicable.

○ Refundable SCDD of no less than equal to the first month’s Rent.

○ Administrative Fee, if applicable.

○ Additional refundable SCDD for Conditionally Approved Tenant Application, if applicable.

○ Additional refundable SCDD for conditional permission to house a Pet, if applicable.

○ First month’s Rent.

○ Last month’s Rent, if applicable.


The Applicant’s monthly gross income must be at least equal to 3 times the monthly Rent and must be from a verifiable, legal source. Income below 3 times the monthly rent may be considered with conditions. Self employed Applicants must have one year of self-employment history as verified by federal income tax filings. 

Acceptable documentation for income verification includes, but is not limited to:
○ Most recent 
three months paystubs
○ Most recent three months of bank records, income tax records
○ DSHS cash or food benefit award letters
○ SSI/SSD statements
○ Child support payment statements
○ SSI/SSD statements
○ Subsidized Housing vouchers
○ Rent limit worksheet
○ Recent employment 
verification letters from new employers.

Rental History

Agent will verify current and previous rental history using the information provided in the Tenant Application. 

Favorable Applicants will meet the following:
○ Two years of verifiable, contractual rental or mortgage history.
○ Satisfactory rental references from at least two 
unbiased sources - not Room Rentals, family members, or friends; No record of non-payment of Rent, dishonored payments, lease violations, noise disturbances, destruction of property, or poor housekeeping habits reported in the last 12 months.
○ Eviction-free history for a minimum  of five
 years prior to application. 

Applicants with no verifiable rental history may be considered with conditions.

Credit History

Agent will obtain a Credit report on qualified Applicants to verify credit history and determine reasonable creditworthiness. Agent’s decision to rent to an Applicant may be based in whole or in part on information obtained from this report. Applicant’s credit history must be satisfactory. 

Satisfactory credit includes, but is not limited to: 

○ Positive credit/payment history for at least twelve consecutive months on accounts.
○ Monthly minimum payments made in full and on time
○ No derogatory marks from creditors.
○ Acceptable past performance in meeting 
financial obligations such as Rent and utility payments.
○ History of and current ability to meet financial obligations on a timely basis.
○ No current 
judgements or liens including for unpaid child support (not including medical or educational accounts).
○ No outstanding collections for utilities.
○ Bankruptcies/foreclosures must be discharged for a minimum of two years.
○ No more than three accounts in delinquency/collections. 

Applicants with negative or adverse debt shown in a consumer credit report may be considered with conditions.

Criminal Background

Applicants with criminal convictions are not automatically disqualified, however failure to pre-disclose convictions on an application is grounds for immediate denial. 

The Property Manager/Agent will evaluate the Applicant’s criminal background consistent with applicable federal, state, and local laws and will not consider expunged records or previous arrests not resulting in a conviction. 

An Applicant will be denied whose criminal background check returns a history of criminal conviction if: 

1. Such conviction was not disclosed on the application; and/or 
2. Such conviction: 
     ○ Requires lifetime registration for a sexually oriented offense;
     ○ Is for the illegal manufacture or distribution of a controlled substance;
     ○ Is a felony involving: murder, manslaughter, arson, rape, kidnapping, or child sex crimes; 
     ○ Is a misdemeanor involving: drug-related crimes, crimes against persons, sex offenses, domestic violence, violation of a restraining order, stalking, weapons, criminal impersonation, possession of burglary tools, financial fraud crimes, where the date of disposition has occurred in the last five years;
     ○ Presents a demonstratable risk that would adversely affect property of the Property Owner, Agent, or Tenants or the health, safety, or right of peaceful enjoyment of the Premises of Tenants, the Property Owner, the Property Manager or representatives thereof. 

Applicants with pre-disclosed convictions not mentioned above with a disposition date within the last seven years for felonies or three years for misdemeanors may be considered with conditions* and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis considering factors such as, but not limited to the: Nature and severity of the crime, Number of convictions, Amount of time passed since the criminal conduct occurred, Age at the time of conviction, Facts and circumstances surrounding the criminal conduct, Rehabilitative efforts shown, and overall rental history since released from incarceration. 

Applicants with criminal convictions are strongly encouraged to supplement their Tenant Application with a self-disclosure letter regarding criminal background, mitigating factors, evidence of rehabilitation, and any supportive documents from probation, therapists, treatment programs, certifications completed, etc.

Demeanor & Behavior

The Applicant’s behavior, conduct, and interactions with Rodman Realty, Inc. staff throughout the application process will be taken into consideration when determining qualified Applicants and may affect whether an application is accepted.


If it is discovered or determined that any piece of information supplied or communicated by Applicant to obtain application approval was dishonest, falsified, misleading, omitted or failed to disclose any information requested in the application or by an Agent at any point during the application and screening process, the Applicant will be immediately denied with no further consideration given to the application. Any such discrepancies realized after approval of an Applicant and commencement of tenancy but within the first twelve months of occupancy shall result in termination of tenancy. The Applicant will not be given the option of reapplying and forfeits all deposits and fees paid.


Smoking of any kind is strictly prohibited at all of our rental properties both inside the living space and on the exterior Premises in accordance with applicable Washington State law.


All Applicants must provide a copy of current and valid government issued photo identification including, but not limited to: 

○ State-issued driver’s license.

○ State-issued identification card.

○ U.S. passport or passport card.

○ U.S. CIS Form I-551 permanent resident card.

○ U.S. Military ID Card.

○ Student, employment, or travel visa issued by the United States with an expiration date longer than the proposed lease termination date.

In addition, a copy of Applicant’s Social Security number, Taxpayer ID #, or Individual Taxpayer ID # is needed for verification of identity.


Failure to provide required documentation, any requested information, providing falsified or omitting information, or unfavorable information learned upon verification and contacting previous landlords and references will influence Agent’s decision to approve an application.

Pets & Animals

Our general Pet Policy is one pet, 20 lbs. max, no Animals or Pets of any kind are allowed without the prior permission of the Agent in writing. Upon approval, the Applicant must complete a Pet Agreement Addendum and make payment of an additional SCDD of up to $1,000.00 per approved Pet. Be advised that some Property Owner’s require an additional monthly charge for Pet Rent of $25.00 per Pet. Support and Service Animals are not Pets as they are to be considered to be an extension of the person to whom they provide support, however an approved Support & Service Animal Agreement Addendum is required. We comply with all local, state, and federal Fair Housing laws.

If an Applicant would like consideration for housing a Pet that does not fit within our Pet Policy, a Pet Screening form must be completed and submitted, upon approval, the Applicant must complete a Pet Agreement Addendum and make payment of an additional SCDD of up to $1,000.00 per approved Pet. Be advised that some Property Owner’s require an additional monthly charge for Pet Rent of $25.00 per Pet.

Equal Housing Opportunity


We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the Nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin. We act in accordance with state and local fair housing laws and fully comply with the federal Fair Housing Act and Equal Credit Opportunity Act. We do not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, disability, gender, gender identity, familial status, age, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, military status, or whether you get income from any public assistance program.